Managers, sales professionals and marketers
need to adjust asap to the customer revolution
that is taking place - as we speak- in the online
B2B marketing arena. Never before have
customers had such an information advantage.
The power has shifted from seller to buyer.
Klaas Fleischmann shows you convincingly that
traditional marketing strategies such as pipeline
management and the good old sales funnel approach
no longer work. Customer journeys have
become too complex to control.
Marketers must start to engage with potential buyers on all touch points
and find out more about their individual
customer journey. And - most importantly- start
managing the dynamic customer experience.
B2B will need to use social media but without thinking
they can push sales through them. They must
stop selling and start responsible influencing. Instead B2B management and marketers need
to invest in establishing contacts on the basis of
clear and reliable signalling. The end goal being: creating brand confidence, an excellent reputation and long lasting
customer relationships.